작업의 기반은 천문학자 칼 세이건의 말에서 비롯되었다. 예전부터 반짝이는 별 같은 모습을 작품에 담아왔고, 아버지는 “너의 그림은 사실을 기반하고 있다”라며, ”우리는 별의 자손이며 몸속의 철분 같은 요소들은 별에서 생성되었고 우리는 죽음을 통해 별의 잔해로 돌아간다”라는 칼 세이건의 말을 인용하셨다.
나는 칼 세이건이 바라보는 본질적인 것에 집중했다. 나에게 사람이란 단순히 살과 피, 장기가 아니라 감정, 생각, 경험과 기억이 결합하여 완성되는 존재로서, 이를 별의 부스러기로 표현하기 시작했다.
The foundation of my work stems from the words of the astronomer Carl Sagan. My father would often remark about the shimmering twinkles in my artwork, saying, "Your paintings are based on truth," quoting Sagan: "We are made of star stuff. The elements in our bodies were forged in ancient stars, and we return to the cosmos where we came from."
I focus on the essence that Carl Sagan perceived. To me, a person is more than flesh and blood; they are a combination of emotions, thoughts, experiences, and memories. I express this by depicting people as stardust.

심연 속 별빛, oil on linen canvas, 72.7 × 60.6 cm, 2021
Starlight in the abyss, oil on linen canvas, 72.7 × 60.6 cm, 2021

쏟아지는 유성, oil on linen canvas, 91 × 116.8 cm, 2021
Falling Meteors, oil on linen canvas, 91 × 116.8 cm, 2021

성운 속 작은 빛, oil on linen canvas, 91 × 116.8 cm, 2021
A Tiny Light in the Nebula , oil on linen canvas, 91 × 116.8 cm, 2021

Self-Portrait, oil on wood panel, 70 × 60 cm, 2020

불같이 타오르는, 그러나 침착하게, oil on linen canvas, 72.7 × 60.6 cm, 2021
Burning like fire, but calmly, oil on linen canvas, 72.7 × 60.6 cm, 2021

Stardust, oil on linen canvas, 72.7 × 60.6 cm, 2021

Stardust, oil on linen canvas, 72.7 × 60.6 cm, 2021

Stardust, oil on linen canvas, 72.7 × 60.6 cm, 2021

Stardust, oil on linen canvas, 53 × 45.5 cm, 2021

Into the Unknown, oil on linen canvas, 70 × 140 cm, 2022

Boooom, oil on linen canvas, 72.7 × 72.7 cm, 2021

Starry Crown, oil on linen canvas, 72.7 × 72.7 cm, 2021

Flash, oil on linen canvas, 116.8 × 91 cm, 2021

Sparkles, oil on linen canvas, 116.8 × 91 cm, 2021

《Constellation; 별무리》(2022, Gallery Dos) 전시 전경
Installation view: Constellation (2022, Gallery Dos)

《Constellation; 별무리》(2022, Gallery Dos) 전시 전경
Installation view: Constellation (2022, Gallery Dos)

《별의 부스러기》(2021, Gallery Knot) 전시 전경
Installation view: Stardust (2021, Gallery Knot)