별의 부스러기와 꽃으로 우리 생을 그리면서 더 나아가 꽃유성이라는 개념을 만들어냈다. 꽃유성은 마치 지구에 날아오는 유성처럼 예기치 못하게 침범하는 관계를 뜻한다. 인생을 탐험하면서, 원하고 또 원치 않는 관계들과 엮이고 부딪히며 상처와 행복이라는 다면적인 측면을 담아낸다. 작가의 개인적 경험을 바탕으로 무수히 쏟아지는 꽃유성을 통해 인간의 다양한 감정과 경험에 대해 담담하게 이야기를 펼쳐내고 있다.
By portraying our lives with stardust and flowers, I further developed the concept of ‘Flower Shower.’ The flower shower symbolizes relationships that intrude upon us unexpectedly, like meteors flying towards our planet. As we navigate life, we encounter and clash with both desired and undesired relationships, encompassing the multifaceted aspects of wounds and happiness. The artist, painting from her own personal experiences, unfolds a serene narrative of human emotions and experiences through the profusion of the flower shower.

꽃유성, oil on linen canvas, 145.5 × 112.1 cm, 2023
Flower Shower, oil on linen canvas, 145.5 × 112.1 cm, 2023

Promise, oil on linen canvas, 116.8 × 91 cm, 2023

Lazy Sunset, oil on linen canvas, 70 × 140 cm, 2023

꽃유성 아래, oil on linen canvas, 112.1 × 145.5 cm, 2023
Underneath the Flower Shower, oil on linen canvas, 112.1 × 145.5 cm, 2023

《Flower Shower》(2023, Klamp Gallery) 전시 전경
Installation view: Flower Shower (2023, Klamp Gallery)

You Make Me Blind, oil on linen canvas, 72.7 × 60.6 cm, 2023

꽃, 케이크 그리고 꺼진 촛불, oil on linen canvas, 72.7 × 60.6 cm, 2022
Flowers, Cake and Burnt Candle , oil on linen canvas, 72.7 × 60.6 cm, 2022

Kites, oil on linen canvas, 140 × 70 cm, 2023

얼룩진 꽃, oil on linen canvas, 53 × 45.5 cm, 2023
The Stained Flower, oil on linen canvas, 53 × 45.5 cm, 2023

감정의 파도, oil on cotton canvas, 72.7 × 72.7 cm, 2023
Waves of Sentiment, oil on cotton canvas, 72.7 × 72.7 cm, 2023

What Am I Made Of, oil on linen canvas, 72.7 × 116.8 cm, 2023

Kiss, oil on cotton canvas, 72.7 × 72.7 cm, 2023

Kiss, oil on linen canvas, 53 × 45.5 cm, 2023

《Flower Shower》(2023, Klamp Gallery) 전시 전경
Installation view: Flower Shower (2023, Klamp Gallery)

You and Me, oil on linen canvas, 16 × 32 cm, 2024
Moment, oil on linen canvas, 16 × 32 cm, 2024

Connection, oil on linen canvas, 32 × 16 cm, 2024

Relationship, silkscreen, 40 × 40 cm, edition of 30, 2023

Flower Shower, silkscreen, 40 × 40 cm, edition of 30 , 2023

Pieces, silkscreen, 40 × 40 cm, edition of 30 , 2023

《Flower Shower》(2023, Klamp Gallery) 전시 전경
Installation view: Flower Shower (2023, Klamp Gallery)